5 Ways to Reconnect with Nature as a Family
Between the hustle and bustle of school, work, extra curriculars, appointments, chores, and more, it can be hard to fit in any family time, let alone in nature. With screens, video games, family commitments, friends, and more, it can be easy to feel disconnected. Here are some ways you can replenish your energy, have some quality family time, and get your daily vitamin D around Lethbridge.
Explore a nature reserve
Lethbridge has beautiful nature reserves surrounding the Oldman River, including Indian Battle Park which surrounds the Helen Schuler Nature Centre. It’s a great place to stop to find pamphlets and information about wildlife, plants, vegetation, paths and trails, and more! All of the volunteers are happy to answer questions and talk about what they have seen in the area. Explore one of the many nature trails or try a scavenger hunt with your family: find 10 items that are green, spot 3 different types of birds, maybe even allow phones for pictures to see who can get the best shot in the river valley.
Plant something
There are many places to get seeds for cheap or free. Did you know the main branch of the Lethbridge Public Library has a seed library? You can take out seeds and return the seeds of what you grow the next season. While you’re there, you can take out books about gardening, local plants, and more. In the spring, Environment Lethbridge also hosts ‘Seedy Saturday’ where people can swap seeds.
Visit an urban park
Lethbridge boasts an excellent urban parks system with great opportunities to walk and explore right in your neighbourhood. Every year, the City of Lethbridge prints a ‘parks passport’ where you can discover new parks and even be entered in contests for completing your passport. Create obstacle courses at the park, meet new friends, host picnics, and more.
Find a geocache
Learn and discover nature all in one go! Follow coordinates to find a treasure in real life. Geocaching happens all over the world, so you can even geocache on vacation. You can borrow a GPS from the Helen Schuler nature center and adventure today!
Discover your backyard
Nature doesn’t just occur in parks and natural areas. Your backyard is likely filled with plants, insects, birds and other types of wildlife right under your nose. To help you learn about the animals and plants that share your yard, try an app like Seek by iNaturalist, which can identify everything from flowers to insects and more based on a photograph. If birds are your thing, give the Merlin app a try to help identify bird songs.
This is just a small list of the ways you and your family can reconnect with nature. Identify plant species in your back yard or around your block, visit gardens and parks, or plant a tree or a garden. Lethbridge has so much to offer and we are so lucky to live in a city with so many parks, wildlife, and nature to enjoy.